Hey guys!
So wow. First off, I (and by "I," I mean "David"...although i think John would say the same thing...) want to apologize for not updating sooner. It actually wasn't our fault. We spent last week at Brandon Spring Campground with Covenant Presbytery(mr. could you help me with spelling???!?!?) Senior High Camp. no internet or phone reception could be found.
So yeah, sorry about that. I'll try to make up for it now by doing a recap from my perspective of the rest of Michigan, our week with Matt and Heather (-Trammel+Wallace = married!!!), and what we're up to this week.
Michigan was crazy. It was crazy because there were so many things, good and bad, jam packed into one week (although i suppose that has happened every week). For me, Michigan was a huge week. John and I were blessed with an amazing team around us. The Bible College reps were very awesome to work with and the director, Jason French, really did a great job of keeping stuff organized for the week. John was sick for the majority of the week (along with just about everyone else except me), so the team definitely had to fight to be on top of their game. Everyone handled it pretty well, especially John, who had a lot of stuff on his plate. Praise God for putting such an encouraging guy in my life!
So about Michigan being huge for me. There was this guy named Les there---
He's the guy in the black Levi-Strauss shirt with no interest in smiling for the camera :).
Les is a Professor who teaches New Testament and Greek at Florida Christian College. He was the morning speaker for both the Savannah conference and the one in Adrian. This meant that we got to spend two full weeks with him. The second week, especially, I got to spend some great time with him. What was so huge for me was the fact that Les' faith story was similar to my own. Being raised in the church, there was no dramatic conversion, but rather slow change over a long period of time. Hearing about his walk was a breath of fresh air for me, learning about the struggles of those with "Christian" upbringings. Among a bunch of other things, he talked about how pride can really plague those of us raised in the church and prevent us from seeing how broken we really are. This really hit me hard in Michigan. We had several long conversations and generally had a really good time talking. I'm still chewing on all the lessons learned. I guess i'm just re-thinking how deep the Father's love must be for us that He would love even those of us who know the good news and would prefer to so many times ignore it and live for the approval of man. Thankfully I think I journaled 20000 pages that week. I can't honestly describe to you guys how important the time with this man was for me. I'm definitely seeing a need for spiritual mentors in my life--people willing to step up and lead those younger in their faith. John and I have been talking about how we don't see very many guys who will take on that role. The Body definitely needs more of them I think! Praise God for this example of a spiritual mentor--a man who is passionate about loving God and willing to invest in people like myself!
Clearly, as can be seen from the picture, we didn't just talk. Les, John and I became pretty good friends by the end of the second week together and had several late night runs for junk food. The Spotted Cow was probably the best spot in Adrian. Ice cream was incredible and they had lots of nachos (for anyone who knows me well, this was definitely a huge bonus :) ).
Also in Adrian was the Aaron Pelsue Band. They led worship all week and did a great job with it. I was way excited about the Aaron Pelsue Band because Aaron has a similar range as mine (haven't found many worship leaders with a lower voice like mine). Hearing him lead worship and use his gifts (even though they weren't normal) was really encouraging for me.
So that was Adrian as briefly as I could manage.
Brandon Springs---

So Matt and Heather were there :)

Matt actually was the nightly speaker for the week. He did a great job. He talked about the two greatest commandments that Jesus gave in Matthew 22:34-39. Loving God and loving people. Such a huge message for me that I'm constantly going back to thanks to all the time I've been able to spend with matt. Matt and Heather's heart for God encourages and challenges me.
It was great to spend a week with those two. John and I were kept busy most of the week. We led small groups, mentor groups, nightly worship and special committees--- John co-led the missions committee with an awesome guy named Mitch and I co-led the choir with Heather and an amazing lady named Carol.
So the campsite was beautiful. It was right on a lake with an absolutely beautiful view from the deck of the cafeteria.
So i'd love to spend a couple minutes on two amazing people we spent time with this week. One of them was a mutual friend of mine and John and the other was in my small group.
1.) R.B.

This guy was so encouraging last week. He was the dean of the camp, and an amazing leader for both the staff and students alike. R.B. led the "energizers" every morning, which were basically a half hour's worth of songs and dancing. R.B. would literally yell and jump every morning in ways i never thought possible. His heart for kids was incredible and his desire to unify both the students and the staff was very awesome for John and myself. Praise God for male leaders who love God and pour themselves out into the ministry to which they've been called!
2. Adam Jones

Guy on the far left. Adam was a huge encouragement to me last week. It was amazing to see God working in and through such a young guy. It blows my mind that there are actual people seeking God in high school. High school is such a hard time and I can't imagine what it would really be like to try and put God first during those years. Adam showed a love for God that pumped me up last week. Thank God that He is working in even some of the darkest places!
So that was a brief look at Brandon Springs. There's so much more but it would take me all night...
So Aunt Adell and Uncle Dennis...we've stayed with them for three weekends now. Praise God for surprising us with amazing unexpected blessings (such as amazing Christian people). We got in from Brandon Springs Friday night and chilled out and were excited to realize that Saturday would be our first full day off when we didn't have any responsibilities at all. We took full advantage of it by going to the mall, the music store, the ice cream store (yum), and the movie theatre where we saw Pirates of the Carribean 2. When we got back we chilled out and read. It was an amazing sabbath---a Super Summer Sabbath Saturday as John called it.
So two days ago we were at the Land in between the Lakes in Kentucky/Tennessee, yesterday we were in Columbus, Ohio, today we're right outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Praise God for safe travel and an amazing weekend.
wow...crazy. We're both really excited about this week at Messiah College in Grantham, PA. A lot of teams that we've seen at different camps are all kind of grouped together at this one. Can't wait to see what happens.
i think that's it for now...simply because I need some sleep. have an awesome day! Thank you so much for your prayer and your support. I cannot say how important you guys are to us!
love you guys
So wow. First off, I (and by "I," I mean "David"...although i think John would say the same thing...) want to apologize for not updating sooner. It actually wasn't our fault. We spent last week at Brandon Spring Campground with Covenant Presbytery(mr. could you help me with spelling???!?!?) Senior High Camp. no internet or phone reception could be found.
So yeah, sorry about that. I'll try to make up for it now by doing a recap from my perspective of the rest of Michigan, our week with Matt and Heather (-Trammel+Wallace = married!!!), and what we're up to this week.
Michigan was crazy. It was crazy because there were so many things, good and bad, jam packed into one week (although i suppose that has happened every week). For me, Michigan was a huge week. John and I were blessed with an amazing team around us. The Bible College reps were very awesome to work with and the director, Jason French, really did a great job of keeping stuff organized for the week. John was sick for the majority of the week (along with just about everyone else except me), so the team definitely had to fight to be on top of their game. Everyone handled it pretty well, especially John, who had a lot of stuff on his plate. Praise God for putting such an encouraging guy in my life!
So about Michigan being huge for me. There was this guy named Les there---

Les is a Professor who teaches New Testament and Greek at Florida Christian College. He was the morning speaker for both the Savannah conference and the one in Adrian. This meant that we got to spend two full weeks with him. The second week, especially, I got to spend some great time with him. What was so huge for me was the fact that Les' faith story was similar to my own. Being raised in the church, there was no dramatic conversion, but rather slow change over a long period of time. Hearing about his walk was a breath of fresh air for me, learning about the struggles of those with "Christian" upbringings. Among a bunch of other things, he talked about how pride can really plague those of us raised in the church and prevent us from seeing how broken we really are. This really hit me hard in Michigan. We had several long conversations and generally had a really good time talking. I'm still chewing on all the lessons learned. I guess i'm just re-thinking how deep the Father's love must be for us that He would love even those of us who know the good news and would prefer to so many times ignore it and live for the approval of man. Thankfully I think I journaled 20000 pages that week. I can't honestly describe to you guys how important the time with this man was for me. I'm definitely seeing a need for spiritual mentors in my life--people willing to step up and lead those younger in their faith. John and I have been talking about how we don't see very many guys who will take on that role. The Body definitely needs more of them I think! Praise God for this example of a spiritual mentor--a man who is passionate about loving God and willing to invest in people like myself!
Clearly, as can be seen from the picture, we didn't just talk. Les, John and I became pretty good friends by the end of the second week together and had several late night runs for junk food. The Spotted Cow was probably the best spot in Adrian. Ice cream was incredible and they had lots of nachos (for anyone who knows me well, this was definitely a huge bonus :) ).
Also in Adrian was the Aaron Pelsue Band. They led worship all week and did a great job with it. I was way excited about the Aaron Pelsue Band because Aaron has a similar range as mine (haven't found many worship leaders with a lower voice like mine). Hearing him lead worship and use his gifts (even though they weren't normal) was really encouraging for me.
So that was Adrian as briefly as I could manage.
Brandon Springs---

So Matt and Heather were there :)

Matt actually was the nightly speaker for the week. He did a great job. He talked about the two greatest commandments that Jesus gave in Matthew 22:34-39. Loving God and loving people. Such a huge message for me that I'm constantly going back to thanks to all the time I've been able to spend with matt. Matt and Heather's heart for God encourages and challenges me.
It was great to spend a week with those two. John and I were kept busy most of the week. We led small groups, mentor groups, nightly worship and special committees--- John co-led the missions committee with an awesome guy named Mitch and I co-led the choir with Heather and an amazing lady named Carol.
So the campsite was beautiful. It was right on a lake with an absolutely beautiful view from the deck of the cafeteria.
So i'd love to spend a couple minutes on two amazing people we spent time with this week. One of them was a mutual friend of mine and John and the other was in my small group.
1.) R.B.

This guy was so encouraging last week. He was the dean of the camp, and an amazing leader for both the staff and students alike. R.B. led the "energizers" every morning, which were basically a half hour's worth of songs and dancing. R.B. would literally yell and jump every morning in ways i never thought possible. His heart for kids was incredible and his desire to unify both the students and the staff was very awesome for John and myself. Praise God for male leaders who love God and pour themselves out into the ministry to which they've been called!
2. Adam Jones

Guy on the far left. Adam was a huge encouragement to me last week. It was amazing to see God working in and through such a young guy. It blows my mind that there are actual people seeking God in high school. High school is such a hard time and I can't imagine what it would really be like to try and put God first during those years. Adam showed a love for God that pumped me up last week. Thank God that He is working in even some of the darkest places!
So that was a brief look at Brandon Springs. There's so much more but it would take me all night...
So Aunt Adell and Uncle Dennis...we've stayed with them for three weekends now. Praise God for surprising us with amazing unexpected blessings (such as amazing Christian people). We got in from Brandon Springs Friday night and chilled out and were excited to realize that Saturday would be our first full day off when we didn't have any responsibilities at all. We took full advantage of it by going to the mall, the music store, the ice cream store (yum), and the movie theatre where we saw Pirates of the Carribean 2. When we got back we chilled out and read. It was an amazing sabbath---a Super Summer Sabbath Saturday as John called it.
So two days ago we were at the Land in between the Lakes in Kentucky/Tennessee, yesterday we were in Columbus, Ohio, today we're right outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Praise God for safe travel and an amazing weekend.
wow...crazy. We're both really excited about this week at Messiah College in Grantham, PA. A lot of teams that we've seen at different camps are all kind of grouped together at this one. Can't wait to see what happens.
i think that's it for now...simply because I need some sleep. have an awesome day! Thank you so much for your prayer and your support. I cannot say how important you guys are to us!
love you guys
i love reading this stuff...
Herschel, at 12:02 AM
Hey guys, I just saw you 3 days ago!
Thanks for helping out this past week! I don't know what the camp would have done if you guys hadn't shown up to do nearly everything! :-)
Matt W, at 8:21 AM
Hey! One of my best friends lives down the road from Messiah - PA is great! Sounds like a lot of real movement is going on among that insane busyness...awesome. I'm encouraged - thanks for the post!
Heather Mae, at 9:55 AM
Miss you both! See you...soon?
Shelly, at 5:44 PM
You got it, man!! Another great post, keep up the good work!
Bradjward, at 9:44 PM
whoa you guys are so awesome, why havn't I read an article in relevant about this trip yet?
because Relevant isn't as cool as John and David, duh...
Jeffffffffffffffff, at 8:31 AM
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